I recently received a phone call from Molly. Molly told me that she had just found out that she was pregnant; this was a surprise, but a welcome one. However, Molly confessed that she smokes a pack of cigarettes per day and her doctor recommends that she quit smoking since cigarettes can present a number of hazards for her pregnancy and baby. Molly’s friend told her that e-cigarettes were safe in pregnancy and would help Molly with her efforts to reduce use of traditional …
The Baby Blog: vaping
Vaping during Pregnancy: Not Just a Bunch of Smoke
If you have listened to the news lately, you have probably heard of the outbreak of lung injuries and related deaths associated with e-cigarettes and vaping products. Breaking news by health experts have reported that tetrahydrocannabinol (THC) was present in most of the samples of the products and lung tissue collected from the injured individuals, but Vitamin E acetate was present in all of the samples that have been tested to date. While this is a major breakthrough, the experts are not ready …
Birth Defects Prevention Month Series- Alcohol, Smoking and Other Drugs: Why Ten Fingers Plus Ten Toes Doesn’t Always Equal the Whole Story
By Lauren Kozlowski, MSW, MPH, MotherToBaby Georgia Carly called and I could hear the stress in her voice immediately. She had been smoking marijuana on weekends and having a glass of wine most evenings with her dinner. She just found out she was pregnant with her fifth child. Carly knew her baby could suffer if she did not change her use of alcohol and marijuana. Carly was scared, so she contacted MotherToBaby. We were able to discuss what kinds of risk the substances she had used may have, …
Clearing The Smoke About Marijuana Use During Pregnancy
By Sonia Alvarado, Senior Teratogen Information Specialist, MotherToBaby CA Unless you don’t own a television and never listen to the radio, you know that marijuana has been in the news a lot lately and for marijuana users who have had to smoke in illegally, it appears societal attitudes about pot smoking may be changing. Twenty states have laws legalizing some form of marijuana use. Two states, Colorado and Washington, have legalized its recreational use. In an interview, the NFL Commissioner …